Agribusiness Agribusiness is the entire commercial and industrial relationship involving the agricultural or livestock production chain. Improvement Employability: Development of competency and techniques in the area of Agribusiness essential for professional performance, and integration in the market. Benificiary Number: 20 Start Date: 09/12/2018 End Date: 12-12-2018

Improvement Employability: Development of competence and technique in the multimedia field in a creative process that acts in the construction of messages. Today is a discipline strongly linked to video, music, graphic design, advertising, editorial, web design, writing. Benificiary Number: 20 Level:  IV Start Date: 03/12/2018 Date Finished: 05-12-2018  

is a course that allows to develop competence and techniques in the field of management and accounting essential for the professional performance in the market. professional for others, in the area of management / accounting in large and medium-sized enterprises; manager of small and micro enterprises Service provider in the area of management and accounting, small and micro enterprises based in the region; accredited a ccounting assistants Entry profile: 12th Year…

  He develops professional activity in large companies for the account of others or for his own account in small and micro interpreses, mainly in the catering sector. Can work in the productive and service sector developing process of pre-preparation and commercialization of raw foods such as: Specialty shops ready to eat; Companies dedicated to the storage, packaging and distribution of food products. Beneficiary number: 20 Entry profile: 6 year Level:…

Melhoria Empregabilidade:  Desenvolvimento de  competência e técnica no  ramo de Serralharia, essenciais para o desempenho profissional, e integração no mercado.    Nº  Beneficiário:  20 Nível: 3 Carga Horária: 990 Horas Para mais informações contacte o CEFP-Praia Telefone: 261 82 36        

Service  the A&B is an integral part of virtually every event. Because it is one of the most perceptible aspects of the service provided, it is very important that there is quality in its delivery. Employability Improvement: Competence development and good service techniques essential for professional performance and market integration. Entry profile: 8 years and Professional in active Level: Continued. Prediction Started: June / 2018 Hours: 60 Hours Training Duration: 1.5 Month…

  is a course that allows you to know all the phases of manpower that involves a construction, read and interpret architectural plans and projects, know the materials used during a construction. Employability Improvement: Development of competence and technique in the field of civil construction that studies the techniques of construction of walls, beams, slabs, ceilings, roof, etc. Nº of Beneficiaries : 18                Level: IV Start Date: 01/04 / 2018             …

Taxation is a process by which there is revenue collection by the state in order to meet the needs of citizens Employability Improvement:   Development of competency and techniques in the field of taxation essential for professional performance, and market integration. Entry profile: 8 years and Professional in active Level: Continued. Prediction Started: June / 2018 Hours: 60 Hours Training Duration: 1.5 Month  

Maintenance of Cold and Air Conditioning Systems Improvement Employability: Development of competence and technique in the branch Maintenance of Cold Systems and air conditioning essential for professional performance, and market integration. Benificiary Number: 20 Level: l IV Start Date: 06/11/2018 Date Finished: 10-11-2018

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